Sunday, July 06, 2014

Daging Masak Sambal dan Serai

Pada hari Jumaat lepas, berjaya masak daging sambal, resepi tentulahdari blogger Ben Ashari aka Mat Gebu. Nak dapat resepi lengkap terus ke blog Dapur Tanpa Sempadan.

Di sini cuma nak ringkaskan kaedah masakannya. Daging direbus bersama bawang putih dan halia. Kalau tak ada pressure cooker atau periuk ajaib, terpaksa la rebus 1.5-2 jam dengan api perlahan.

Bahan tumis bawang merah & putih, belacan bakar sudah tersedia. Tumis dgn paste cili, masuk sos ili 2 camca. Masuk air rebus daging 1/2 cawan pastu masuk daging. Dah sebati baru masuk bawang. Easy peasy ja.

Lupa pula pasal serai, masuk masa tumis bawang tadi.

Hasilnya? Lihatlah dalam gambar. Memang sedap dan menyelerakan. Cuma terlebih pedas.

Friday, June 27, 2014

My Friday

It's Friday. I found a good website on Tafseer. Insyallah its based on Quran and Sunnah. I read it together with reciting Al-Kahfi. The link is The content is in Malay, written by a student recording his Ustadz teaching. The writing is simple yet very detail. I found it very beneficial for someone like me who couln't attend classes. May Allah guide us and make it easy for us to learn the deen. 

The kids are sleeping. This is my free hours to do my things!! No household please!!

I cut my hair, on my own as usual. My Uni friends used to freak out when I told them. And eventually I realized cut your own hair is not common. Well, it took me less than 5 minutes and zero ringgit to get it done. Not that I'm proud of the outcome. (wasn't bad)

Picture from The land of Milk and Honey
I'm preparing warm fresh milk. Warm the fresh milk, stir in honey and a pinch of salt. Got this idea from a YouTube video, or you can go to her blog. The tittle of her post/video is 5 Tips to help you wean your toddler without drama.

Yes I know this post is unstructured. I'm rushing time before the two wake up.

Just a quick progress report. Mika has wean of nap time breastfeeding. Aisha is doing well with her bottle training. I have about one week before starting to work. I'm potty training Mika as well. yesterday he manage to poop in the potty. Big deal. Today he peed in the potty. and once on his playmate. I don't feel I can successfully potty trained him. but at least he knows taht he can control his bladder (menari-nari tahan kencing, refused to potty)

Enjoying my delicous, rich, warm milk. 

Perhaps I should change the banner to "Happiness is a cup warm milk and a time to blog"

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Aisha: Pada tahun ini..


Pada hari ini usia kamu 39hari. Nama Aisha baru saja didaftarkan 3 hari lepas. Di sini adalah nukilan rentetan peristiwa penting yg berlaku pada tahun 2014. Suatu hari catatan ini pasti akan bermakna. 

Pada 2014..

1. Kapalterbang Malaysia Airline MH370 lesap dari radar, kapalterbang dan 239 penumpang bersama anak kapal tidak ditemui hingga saat post ini ditulis. 

2. Sebagai menjalin hubungan diplomatik Malaysia-China, Malaysia menerbangkan 2 ekor panda dari China untuk tinggal di Zoo Negara selama 10 tahun. Kos penyelengaaran tempat tinggal panda; 2.5 juta ringgit setahun.

3. Ini adalah kos barangan runcit di KL:, 
Gula 1kg - rm2.80
Milo peket 1kg - rm18.00
Ribena 1L - rm14.00
Jacob's Original creamCrackers 1 tin - rm12.80
Telur LTK Omega plus 10biji - rm5.80
Beras Jati Siam10 kg - rm27
Diapers newborn Huggies 64pc - rm29.00
Diapers Wee Wee dry 56pc- rm45
Ayam - rm 7.80 per kg
Susu Fresh Milk 1L- rm7.90 (tescojual rm6)
Butter Anchor 227gm - rm8.90 (tesco jual rm7.60)

What about Starbuck? Need to check the price with papa, sebab papa sekarang hantu starbuck. Caramel Machiato Ice. Mine will be decaf, since I'm nursing you.

Nescafe Ais di kedai mamak harganya rm2.60. Mahal nya!! (stsarbuck tak mahal? haha)

4. Minyak RON95 is rm2.10 se liter. On usual working days rm20 for fuel to commute from Desa Melawati tp Keramat (nusery) to my office in Jln Duta, and back home.

5. WorldCup 2014 starts this month.

6. Kemarau di Malaysia! Agak teruk terutama di sekitar Selangor, empangan hampir ke tahap kritikal!

7. Brunei finnaly implement HUDUD. Respect Sultan Brunei, tidak peduli dengan kecaman pihak barat.

8. Anwar dipenjarakan, Karpal Sigh meninggal dunia setelah terbabit dgn kemalangan. 

9. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia mengesahkan ada unsur babi dalam Cadburry. JAKIM kemudian mengesahkan Cadburry bebas babi. Wallahualam.

10. The four of us, Papa, Mummy, Mika and you are living at Desa Melawati. The neighbour hood is simply perfect. Good and affordable food is hard to find, though. We live in 10th floor, nice view up here. I will miss this place when we move later.

11. Now Papa work with Sunway. He has just started to work there this month.

12. Cik Chi is going to move to US. She's leaving this Saturday.

Thats all I can think of for now. I will update time to time Insyallah.

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