Saturday, October 22, 2011


Some days ago i went to the early childhood education store in the Tesco mall; that's the first time i learn about Grolier, a Disney home learning set for English. The salesman show me the learning set consists of dvds & books. Videos of ABCs song with Disney character. Now we know how kids can learn superfast by just watching TV, won't it be wonderful to play the learning DVDs instead of Cartoon Network or Barney? At least you are in control of the stages. The book is amazing as well. I love the Word book set- kid will learn 6000 important words. Overall i love the learning set. The payment method is also ageeable. My sister said the program had been around quite long time ago- no surprise, considering i started watching Disney since kid.
Yes i would love to have it. But i have my own priority right now- to make mika learn AlifBaTa first.
So, Grolier, you have to wait. Has anyone been using the learning set? I'm still researching on the reviews etc.


Asna said...

me too..:)..Alif, Baa, Taa 1st..

ruslina said...

yay! actually credits to you i found out about islamic parenting network tu thru you! alhamdulillah!

freelance makeup artis said...

Sound intersting bout alif ba ta... Blh share ngn intan?

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