Thursday, September 08, 2011


Mika is now 48 days- i presume(is that a word?) its safe for me to start losing weight. Haven't started any workouts (due to logistic and other made up reasons) but hey i'm ready for some diet---err--healthy eating. (i had sneakers and oreos for snack and rice 4times daily during my confinement period)

As the tittle indicate; i'm on Herbalife plan. Since i've heard a lot about it and seen some real person loose weight i was quick to response when a close relative introduced it to me. After doing some 'research' about herbalife and effects on breadtfeeding i presume i will give it a try.
One thing that i like about herbalife is:
- it replaces one meal per intake. Since i took herbalife drinks in the morning i don't need (because i'm full and not hungry) breakfast.
- it comes in drinks. I loves liquids:)) It has chocolate shakes too. But i took vanilla shakes just so in case the choc contains caffein(not good for breasrfeeding)
- it has a basic health regimen- first drink is to cleanse your colons, 2nd is to detox and 3rd is to gives all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Yes, it comes with 3 starbucks large cups.
-its not herbal drinks or pill or any pure herbal. Its just food replacement.

Well, i've just started 2 days ago. Close friends know me well i tends to get too excited about things. Everything. :)
So far i'm glad i dont have to think about breakfast because i'm a bit dizzy in the morning due to Mika's 'tight' breastfeeding schedule.

My aim is to lose another 20 pounds- to get my before married weight. Woohoo
(i have so far lose 28pounds after birth)

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